“If everyone knew how good juggling was for you, everyone would be doing it!”
I can't tell you how many times people have said to me, “I wish I could juggle, is it hard to learn?”.
Yes, it is... harder than many things that you could pick up? No, not really. Learning the basic cascade takes some focus and effort, however, comparatively speaking it is pretty simple with just a little patience and motivation. Honestly, juggling is challenging and inevitably the balls will drop, the juggling part comes between dropping the balls. If you truly want to give yourself an amazingly fun skill and exercise your brain, juggling can be accomplished relatively fast and the rewards are extraordinary!
To put it another way, if you wish you could juggle, DO IT!!! If you think you can’t, you can’t, however, I know you can!
Get to the point where you can at least do the three ball cascade, and then you will know that you can do it and that alone is priceless…
The FREE course puts together the easy steps to juggling, tips to make it much easier as well as create your own homemade juggling balls.
Ultimate Brain Exercise
It is my belief that Juggling is simply the best exercise you can do for your brain. As they are discovering more about the brain and how it functions, they are recognizing how much juggling strengthens brain communication. Research has shown that the process grows white as well as grey matter in the cranium (Does juggling exercise your brain?; Jeff Harder). The crossing of the left and right hemispheres while simultaneously catching and throwing sets your neurons on fire and stimulates your corpus callosum with a rhythm that it can groove with! It puts your brain in a focused but relaxed state, a meditaion if you will. The more tricks you do, the more patterns, the brain responds by creating more neuron connections. It can get frustrating for sure, just hang in there and you will achieve your goal. The younger you start the quicker new adaptations will be absorbed, however, this wondrous brain exercise is extraordinary for any age.
Juggling is something that every child should learn. I know, that’s a bold statement. I will stand by my crazy belief that if all of us humans learned three things while growing into our bodies, the world would be a totally different place; Juggling, Hacki and Massage with breathwork! Can you imagine? We would all know our bodies so well we would never get sick, injured nor... bored!
Another benefit to juggling is the amazement that it brings to people. Children are especially mesmerized with the show, while the less jaded adults will give a nod or word of approval. I have been in many situations where some simple juggling tricks changed the mood of the scene. Honestly though, juggling seems to bring out the "everything is okay" feeling in people; the more jugglers we have the more at peace our world will be, there is a statistic somewhere to validate that statement!
BONUS: The internet has choke tutorials on new tricks to add to your PlayBook, immeasurable self-entertainment!
My favorite YouTube instructor: